Washington DC: President Donald Trump has given his first interview since he came to the White House after he contacted the coronavirus last week. He briefly stayed at Walter Reed Medical Centre in Bethesda, Maryland. He garnered criticism from the press and the opponents after he had returned to the White House so soon after he contacted the virus. The First Lady, Melania Trump also tested positive for the coronavirus last week and was airlifted to Bethesda along with the President. In the last few days, more than 10 people have been tested positive for the virus, all of whom belong in the Trump’s most inner circle. In the interview with the Fox News, the President questioned the required Biden’s credentials and the acumen to run a country and went onto accuse of Democratic Party Vice Presidential Nominee and Biden’s running mate as a communist and socialist.

Days before he was tested positive for the coronavirus, the two opponents, Biden and Trump met in Cleveland, Ohio, for the first presidential debate which held heated arguments and drew controversy from the press and justified ire from the American public. The Biden campaign focused on the inability of containing the coronavirus by the Trump Administration and particularly how the current government downplayed the severity of the virus even though scores of people have had been dying across the world due to the pandemic. President Trump was rarely if ever seen with a face mask which is first on the first set of guidelines issued by world health experts to prevent the virus from spreading.

On Wednesday, Vice-President Mike Pence went against Senator Kamala Harris in the vice-presidential debate in Utah and Harris went onto argue with Vice-President Pence how the Trump Administration has utterly failed the American citizens during the ongoing pandemic and pledged that she and Biden will form a comprehensive plan in the country’s battle against the pandemic by wide-spread testing, contract tracing and the promise of distributing a vaccine if it goes successfully through clinical trials. Trump Administration is wrought through scandals since Donald Trump claimed the Presidential seat in 2016 US elections defeating then opponent, Hillary Clinton. Recently, The New York Times had released the income tax returns of the President through an anonymous leak. The documents showed that Trump had paid measly sums to the IRS despite claiming as a successful businessman.

In the interview with the Fox News, Trump claimed that he is fully fit to run the daily operations of the Presidential office and the electoral campaign as well. He also dismissed the idea of having a virtual debate against Biden before the elections and Biden responded by saying that if the debate doesn’t go through, he will be answering to voter questions. CNN Polls had shown that Trump was trailing Biden badly. The American citizens will go to the polls on November 3rd of this year.