New Delhi: India has registered almost 80,000 new coronavirus cases and 1,071 deaths in the last 24 hours. The grim figures continue to fluctuate, but the country is seeing substantial number of new infections and deaths. India has crossed the unfortunate mark of 1 lakh deaths this week and the total number of people who has had been infected so far stands at 6,473,544. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are three of the worst hit states in India. The India government has begun unlock phase five providing guidelines on how to resume services in both private and public establishments. Telangana government has ordered that bars, pubs and clubs can be re-opened only if they abide by strict guidelines and restrictions. The Central Government has also issued a statement this week that movie theatres can be opened across the country albeit with only 50% seating capacity. The Central Government have left the option on how and when to re-open schools and coaching institutions to the states and union territories.

Across the world, there has been reports of the recent spike in England, Spain sending the officials into a panic mode and contemplate measures on how to battle the second wave of coronavirus pandemic. Several vaccines are being developed around the globe but the health experts continue to insist that the extent of the effectiveness of the vaccine cannot be guaranteed to prevent the coronavirus. The world had seen a similar coronavirus 102 years ago called, “Spanish Flu.” It caused millions of deaths across the world. The health experts and officials have had been trying to predict how this new covid-19 behaves under different circumstances and they are still studying and researching the virus extensively.