Photo by Joe Raedle Credit: Photographer: Joe Raedle/Getty

Copyright: 2020 Getty Images

India crossed the six million mark in coronavirus cases with deaths totalling at 95,574. In another unfortunate news, the number of global deaths has crossed 1 million. United States hold the first rank while India is in second in the Covid-19 charts. In the last 24 hours, India has registered over 82,000 new cases and 1,039 deaths. The current recovery rate of India stands at 82.6%. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh account for more than half of the cases in India.

United States and Brazil have higher mortality rate than India with 2.86% and 3.00% respectively. The mortality rate in India is at 1.57% The global mortality rate for covid-19 cases stands at 3.01%